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Renub Research latest report titled "Augmented Reality Market Global Forecast by Segments, Region, End-User, Headset Volume, Company Analysis" the Global Augmented Reality Market is projected to reach US$ 85.47 Billion by 2026. Augmented Reality (AR) is a unique technology that involves the overlay of computer graphics in the real world. It only enhances objects in the modern world by superimposing virtual images into them. Augmented reality offers interactive experiences into multiple sensory, auditory modalities, including haptic, visual, somatosensory, and more. AR is a system that incorporates three essential features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.


Factors Driving Worldwide Augmented Reality Market

Further, the global AR market is influenced by several factors, such as the proliferation of smartphones, increased popularity of gaming, cost-efficient benefits of augmented and virtual realit

Augmented Reality (AR) is an improved variant of the actual physical world through digital visual components, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology. The augmented reality's goals are to highlight the physical world's specific features, it increases understanding of those features, and derive intelligent and accessible insight applied to real-world applications. As per Renub Research findings, the Global Augmented Reality Market is projected to reach US$ 85.47 Billion by 2026.

The Augmented Reality market in North America is expected to strengthen significantly over the forecast period owing to many vendors making considerable market innovation investments. Globally, the United States is among the highly innovative augmented reality market; most of the companies advancing in augmented reality technology are based in the United States. Microsoft's augmented reality product, Hololens, was first released in the United States and Canada, and it experienced a positive resp