Diagnostic imaging is the technique that practices electromagnetic radiation and certain other technologies of creating visual representations of the body's interior organs for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Globally, Medical imaging is used to diagnose and treat disease and expose internal structures concealed by the skin and bones. Medical imaging device also creates a database of normal anatomy and physiology, allowing abnormalities to be detected. As per Renub Research findings, the Global Diagnostic Imaging Marketwill reach USD 43.42 Billion by 2026.
diagnostic imaging market
Global Diagnostic Imaging Market primarily focuses on creating images of the body, organs, and other internal structures, providing products like X-ray Devices, Computed Tomography, MRI equipment, Ultrasound, and Nuclear Imaging (PET / SPECT) Systems. Nuclear Imaging (PET/SPECT) System is more preferred by patients owing to its property to create three-dimensional images worldwide. Nuclear Imagin