Plywood is a type of wood panel manufactured from thin sheets of wood veneer. It is used as a beat substitute to the wood boards due to its durability to shrinkage, cracking and twisting. Different plywood types are available in the market, designed with low toxicity, enhanced durability, aesthetics and environmental sustainability. Due to these properties plywood’s are used in construction and flooring applications for enhanced mechanical strength. It also provides enhanced insulation properties to the final product and is mostly weather and waterproof. According to the Renub Research report, the Global Plywood Market is projected to reach US$ 64.4 Billion by 2027.
Regional Analysis of Plywood Market
The United States, Japan, France, Germany and the United Kingdom are among the leading importers of plywood worldwide. India and China are significant plywood producers because of their forest wealth, a variety of deciduous, coniferous, tropical and evergreen trees, which is an essential