global soybean industry (1)

According to the latest report by Renub Research, titled Soybean Market & Volume Global Forecast by Consumption, Production, Import, Export Countries, Company Analysis” the Soybean Market will be US$ 162.36 Billion by 2027. Soybean was initially cultivated in China more than 3000 years ago has become a global commodity, with numerous countries directly taking part as importers, exporters or both to international trade flows. Moreover, the industrial and agrarian revolution of the 18th century has reshaped the traditional geography of soybean diffusion, production and consumption worldwide and inflamed another fundamental shift for this crop.


Worldwide Soybean Industry was US$ 127.81 Billion in the year 2020

Additionally, by the 20th Century, soybean had transformed into a versatile and globally necessitated cash crop, with a new production hub based in the USA from a food staple conventionally planted and consumed in Eastern Asia and China for thousands of years. More on this, soybe