global tilapia industry (1)

As per Renub Research latest report, “Global Tilapia Market Forecast by Production, Import, Export Countries, Company Analysis” the Global Tilapia Market to reach US$ 7.9 Billion in 2020. The fast-growing and prolific tilapia fish is among the essential aquaculture commodities in the world. It grows fast, quickly breeds in captivity, and is tolerant of various environments and cultural systems. Farming and propagating fish requires little input, and the technology can be simple and easily adaptable by small-scale fish farmers. Investors also find tilapia farming profitable because of its reasonably good feeding efficiency in lakes and low investment cost.


Tilapia fish has become the shining star of aquaculture, with farms starting and expanding over the globe while consumption races ahead of even the numerous ambitious farm building plans. All types of Cichlid fish species are commonly known as the tilapia, which is second only to carps as the world's most widely farmed freshwater fi