smart speaker market by application (1)

As per Renub Research’s latest report titled “Smart Speaker Market, Size, Forecast 2023-2028 Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity” Global Smart Speaker Market Size will reach US$ 27.92 Billion by 2028. ‘Smart’ and ‘connected’ define the majority of devices around us today. Smart speakers are among the fastest-growing categories with these two features. These devices are internet-enabled speakers integrated with digital voice assistants powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In 2021, the number of global smart speaker shipments was estimated to reach 8.76 Billion with shipments likely to surpass 12.20 Billion annually in 2023.

Nowadays, technology progressively employs a profound impact on lives, by strongly involving every aspect of it: professional, private, and social. The smart market is dominated by Amazon. Amazon Alexa, on the other hand, is far more popular among voice assistant users 35 and older. More than 135 million individuals in the United States utilize voice assi